Dew drops & leaves

The last couple of weeks have seen quite a deluge of rain and much cooler temperatures. There is still some autumn colour about and worth the effort of getting out there with your camera first thing if you’re up to it. I needed some images of dew drops for an up an coming article on patterns and abstracts so I have been out and about this last week looking and photographing various bits and pieces for other forthcoming projects as well. It also gives me a good excuse to get away from my office where I have been desk-bound more than usual since my return from Croatia and Plitvice.

Below a few images from my rummaging about local woodlands near my home. They may give you some ideas for projects of your own!

Dew drops on fallen leaf

 Nikon D810, 200mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/16, tripod.

Fallen Maple leaf.

 Nikon D810, 200mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/16, tripod.

Dew drops on fallen Maple leaf

  Nikon D810, 200mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/16, tripod.

Dew droplets on fallen leaf

  Nikon D810, 200mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/16, tripod.

Fallen leaves Shimna River, Tollymore Forest

  Nikon D810, 200mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/8, tripod.

Fallen leaves Shimna River, Tollymore Forest

  Nikon D810, 200mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/8, tripod.

Fungus Cylindrobasidium evolvens

   Nikon D810, 105mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/16, tripod.

Fungus Ceriporia teticulata

    Nikon D810, 200mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/16, tripod.

Bonnet Mushroom Mycena erubescens

    Nikon D810, 200mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/11, tripod.

Brick tuft Hypholoma lateritium

   Nikon D810, 200mm macro lens, ISO 100, at f/16, fill flash, tripod.


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